1932 Ford Model 18 Roadster

1929 Model A Ford closed cab pickup

1929 Ford Model A Truck turned speedster

Speedster version 2
Rebuilt on 1931 Ford Chassis; z’d rear, dropped front axle, 1932 spindles and perches, reverse eye springs front and rear, 1932 Ford front wire wheels, 1936 Ford rear wheels, Cowl made from 125 year old dairy barn floor and galvanized barn roof, seats from 1940 AN-2 bi-plane, tank from Model T, engine is 1932 Ford with Thomas head, headers into torque tube, 2 Stromberg 81 carbs, tractor generator, Stewart Warner gauges, brass fuel pump

Harley Davidson bicycle recreation – from vintage Snell frame

Indian motocycle recreation

electric fat tire bicycle – 1500w 48v

Radio flyer go kart

Harley Davidson custom chopper

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